Sunday, August 1, 2010

Trip into the Woods..

The family and I went to Wadsworth falls State Park, with the dog. The water level was low and the entrance fee, high. 9 bucks for residents, 15 for non residents. Another brilliant idea by the Governor to help pay the debt with out raising the taxes on corporations and very wealthy citizens.....but I digress

The only fauna we saw were humans hiking,swimming and biking and their dogs. We even met another Pug to Django's delight.I did hear a hawk in the distance and Duncan told me he had seen a Toad on the path.

But the Flora was wonderful. I saw wild Trillium, Blood root Arrowroot and Solomon Seal. The great thing about having a dog, is the little poop bags one can use to smuggle a few samples of these little beauties out for my own garden....I even tossed in some bracken for good measure. I couldn't believe that the wild Trillium was in bloom!

Another great thing about the hike, always take a Pug with you they pant so loud that no one can hear your own Huffing and puffing....

I learned today that I am in PITIFUL shape and despite all the pain going up and heat on the way down I enjoyed my time with the family outside immensely! It reminded me of the many many hours spent as a child in the woods with my twin Brother Ian, chasing after my Grand-Dad in the woods of Nova Scotia (although where he took us rarely had a path.) It made me think that I need too do this more often and pass this knowledge on to the kids, and so my Grandfather lives on.

So take it from me and if you haven't been out side in Nature do so soon, after all, 9 dollars is really worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun time. I didn't realize they charge to walk the paths? is there a booth or something?

    I do have to go back soon, there was a dragon egg off one of the beaten paths that I believe hatched in Dec.

    ~Dr. Grymm
